Comrades, Fellow Tanzanians, Men and Women, Young and Old, Leaders and Common citizens, It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to share with you my opinion on the politics of our nation, theories and practical approaches towards real development of the whole nation.
Brothers and sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen, we all are passing through a hard era, where everyone points fingers to the others to be the reasons why Tanzania is still poor four decades now, from independence. We all have heard one camp accusing the other for failures of fast tracking the development in our country while we have all the necessary sources of development, and the other camp responding by justifying the work that has already been done for those four decades and convince others that, what has been done so far is acceptable and no any other way that it could have been done. They even go ahead and tell the previous camp, that they do not have the knowhow and man power to fit for the job of moving Tanzania to the next level where everyone will enjoy the real better life.
Comrades, for several weeks now I have been following up the election campaigns, I have tried to follow closely on the speeches given by the people that run for different offices all around the country, but my focus here has been to the big posts, namely the Presidents and Parliamentarians. This is because it’s the President who will be the head of state and therefore many issues of national concern will have to be channeled through him/her, and this includes the overall development concept, and the parliamentarians being the citizens’ representatives, have the duty to monitor all government activities on our behalf. But again it is from these parliamentarians that we get our ministers, and therefore the government itself. So I found it interesting to listen to them and hear what they have to say to Tanzanians.
Fellow Tanzanians, I am sorry to say it is disappointing to learn that these people are just playing with the fact that many Tanzanians are illiterate, ignorant and cant reason with vision on what they want from their leaders. That’s why these guys just take it for granted and say or do whatever knowing that we can’t do anything because they have the driving force CASH!!!!. Many of these people just want the posts they are running for, for their own purposes, some for prestige, some for the national and international benefits coming with the posts, others for cash and very few of them really want to serve the common Tanzanian.
Fellow countrymen, if you take your time and listen to the speeches given by these people, you will immediately understand that we lack something. We lack committed and trustworthy leaders, politics now has turned into a money making factory, if you want to make a good some of money in developing countries just join politics and have power, these people no longer have interest in the development of the country but their families. In their speeches you will, if keen, immediately notice the element of selfishness, lack of vision, poor strategies, lack of confidence and that drive force we need in order to develop, that is determinations. I don’t know why is this happening to us, but I tend to believe that our leaders and aspiring leaders are lazy in reading and think analytically. The only thing they know is travelling and overspend the hard earned taxes of all Tanzanians for nothing. I am saying this because I believe for a person who reads a lot or who is analytical in making up a government by choosing people who reads a lot, is most likely to make a good government that will work towards country’s development. It must be noted here that, by reading I don’t mean one has to be a professor, but a person who is ready to learn and think out of the box!!!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t want to be one of those who complain a lot but if asked what is the way forward they don’t have an answer. I refused this when I was in Kenya and one of the high profile politician in Kenya said, Tanzanians are good at saying not doing, Tanzanians are good at developing papers but not turning those papers into action!!!!! I have one question here, is this true? The answer deep in my heart is no, but again I must say if we do not work hard to make Tanzania a better place to live, maybe I will have to rethink on my answer. And to make it happen I think we have some answers to provide to the question “ARE WE OUT OF OUR OPTIONS”
Comrades, ladies and gentlemen, I know to this point, those of you who have managed to reach this paragraph, are asking themselves questions where is this brother leading to. Simple, this leads me to a discussion on the above question. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my belief that everything happening in this world is being guided by Natural science. And two of the basic principles of natural science are fundamental to success in everything done in this world. These principles are;
For everything done/happening in this world there are stages, follow them in a sequence, you succeed, mix up the stages or skip one of the stages, you are doomed.
For every stage you need time, do it too fast the product becomes half done, do it too slow, you die before you can see the product. I know some here will say what if we add catalyst?, remember that at the end of the process the catalyst must remain unused!!!!
Comrades, where have we gone wrong here? Why does it seem that we are underdeveloped, considering natural resource we have and the long time since we got our independence?
Brothers and sisters, we all have been taught, that for a nation to develop, we need land, good leadership and people. Where is the problem? It is for both of us to find out what is wrong. In my own views, I think we need to stop where we are right now, rethink on our strategies and priories well. It is obvious we cannot be like the developed countries in all aspects in one day, It takes time.
Dear Fellow countrymen, I have this feeling that we can make it only if we stop trying to accomplish everything we think we need in one budget or term of leadership. All we need is to try and break them in priority format, and put all available efforts and resources on one problem at a time even if it means solving one problem in two years budget!!!!. I think we have lived with these problems for a long time now, it won’t be a problem for many of us to live with these problems for a little longer but knowing that one of our problems is being taken care of and will be a history to us!.
Mabibi na Mabwana, hapa tulipofika ni kama mtu aliyepika ugali ukawa mbichi kwa sababu hakufuata kanuni za upishi wa ugali. Haitajalisha ataendelea kupika kwa muda gani, lakini ugali hautaiva, ila ataambulia kuunguza sufuria tu na kumaliza moto bure! Kinachotakiwa hapa ni kuachana na ugali huo mbichi na kuamua kupika ugali mwingine upya!!!!. Katika mfano huu, ugali ni maendeleo yetu wa-Tanzania,sufuria ni wa-Tanzania wenyewe, na moto ni rasilimali zetu ikiwemo na kodi zetu.
Please I would like to have your comments on this, when “ARE WE OUT OF OUR OPTIONS” continues to give you my opinions on the practical approach, facts and figures of what I think.
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